Category Geekline415 News

Alienated & toxic relationships w/ Brian Ackley

Tonight the geeks were joined by writer and director Brian Ackley to discuss his new movie, Alienated. We’ve all had those relationships in life that were just toxic so almost anyone can relate to this film. The on screen portrayal that many immediately think of course is Fatal Attraction. The acrid relationship in that movie can best be summed up by Glen Close’s infamous line “I’m not going to be ignored,Dan.”


Brian gives us a look in to his new movie, Alienated, and the toxic relationship brewing within. Billed as a drama/thriller, Alienated really delivered a hear-wrenching look into a relationship that is going bad.  The cast of George Katt, Jen Burry, and Taylor Negron, leave us with a sense that there is more to come from the movie but it never gets there...

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New Salem by Overworld Games funds on Kickstarter


As heard on one of our most recent broadcasts during an interview with Overworld games, they have a  new game coming out called New Salem.  This game just blew threw all of its funding goals on Kickstarter including both of its stretch goals!  With $19,492 funded out of an original goal of $13,000 it was not even close which is exactly how it should have been!  With 630 backers in total and this bodes well for the game.  There is a lot of interest and we can not wait to get our hands on ours!  GeekLine415 offers a full and hearty congratulations to Overworld games and we wish them continued success!

Listen to our interview with Overworld games about New Salem

Visit our page about Overworld games and take a listen to our interview with Brian and Clayton all about their games:  http:...

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PacificonGameExpo! Two days down, two to go

With two days in the books so far at PacificonGameExpo 2014, I think the Geeks have been pleasantly surprised at a lot of things.  The turn-out has been brisk and we are getting a lot of attention with our awesome purely geek-built booth.  We have been giving away T-shirts and stickers and the community has been very supportive and engaged with us, even coming up with a few great ideas for future shows (Thanks Jeff!).

We have really had a great time mingling with our fans old and new so far and we’re looking forward to two more days!

We have gotten a few requests to port the podcasts over to iTunes so we’ll do that when we get back so you can join with us even easier right from your Apple device.


When will you be talking about PacificonGameExpo on the air?

With so much content to go t...

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Superman vs Batman: Dawn of Justice

Why in the world would we call this Superman vs Batman?  Because if you read the comics, Batman is the home team at this point and this is HIS fight to loose.  So with very little information release about the storyline they will use for the movie, we are left to ponder, will the story follow the comic or will we somehow deviate in yet another Hollywood sell-out script?  It should be a situation where we know the ending and the excitement should be how we get there.  If they follow the series as they hopefully will, Batman will use his brain (what a GEEK!) and defeat Superman.  We are hopeful that is the case, but we’ll have to wait and see what happens.

Superman vs Batman

The Cast of Superman vs Batman: Dawn of Justice

While the entire cast has not been announced there are some confirmations...

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Pacificon — Meet the 4 Geeks for Geeks


The great long running Pacificon is back this year for it’s 32nd Annual event.  This is one of the longest running cons in the Bay Area, period!

Running this year from August 29th through September 1st 2014!!!!!!!!

A little about Pacificon

The Pacificon Game Expo offers an amazing array of fun events for the entire Northern California gaming community. For 31 years, Pacificon has been the Bay Area’s Labor Day Gaming Convention where friends come together and make new friends playing games through all hours of the day. The beautiful Santa Clara Marriott Hotel affords the perfect spot for gamers to while away the holiday weekend surrounded by a hotel staff that is expert at meeting our needs...

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